Evaluation of Shockley-Queisser limit of solar cells
The Shockley-Queisser Limit (SQL) is the most well-known and commonly used to assess the maximum possible efficiency of a solar cell. Under the constraints of basic physics, the SQ model is suitable for the design of most solar cells in the world, and the most important parameter is the bandgap of the semiconductor. If the bandgap value is selected properly, the cell efficiency can reach up to 34%. If the bandgap is not chosen properly, the efficiency limit will be compromised.
This report refers to the article published by Steven J. Byrnes (https://sjbyrnes.com/) on Github, and records the rebuilding process of the SQL evaluation system (https://github.com/sbyrnes321/SolarCellEfficiencyLimits)
Since the knowledge of SQL is the basic skill to step into the field of solar energy, and the construction of this assessment is developed by using the open source "Python" syntax. Based on the idea of "open source" and "sharing", it triggers the motivation to organize this report and provide sharing.
Construction of the evaluation system, including: Anaconda Python 3.9, Jupyter notebook, Imported data set. (Dated: 2023/1)
#ShockleyQueisserLimit #SolarCell #Python #Anaconda #JupyterNotebook